We have upgraded the dryer at Glenavy so it can produce more skim milk powder and this in turn has had the flow on effect of increasing the volume of Westpro’s total skim milk powder portfolio. 

With the integration of Westland and Oceania Dairy Limited, both owned by the Global Top 5 dairy company, Yili Group, we are using all dryers and production facilities as efficiently as possible.

We are also very mindful of efficiencies processing our suppliers’ milk as close to where we pick it up from. 

The skim milk powder produced is the same great quality that our customers are used to purchasing. We have the same transparency through the supply chain at Glenavy as we do with our West Coast operation. Westpro now has a wider window of opportunity to grow the instant (agglomerated) skim milk powder market. It also opens up the potential for future products, including more specialised differentiated products from the Glenavy production plant.

We are optimising all dryers so that we have a more consistent particle distribution irrespective of what site or dryer it is produced on.

With the first couple of runs of the season complete we have had positive feedback with one repacking customer saying there has been a 4% improvement in yield given the powder flows well as the particles are more uniform. Instant (agglomerated) skim milk powder is sought after as it disperses easily, making it ideal for beverages.